Jones DAO
Token Wars
2,774,033.25278 vlAURA (6.52%)
Expected ratio: 2.22513
Market ratio
Peg of Ratio Token = Market Ratio / Expected Ratio
This is the ratio you would get on the market
Ex: if the Expected Ratio is 1.5 you would expect 1500 tokens for your 1000 tokens
if you sold on a dex.
If the Market Ratio is only 1.2, it is off-peg
Peg for 5k
Represents how much of AURA you would get if you traded your wjAURA token.
We use odos for the best routing
Peg of Ratio Token = Market Ratio / Expected Ratio
Liquid Wrapper Pegs
Have a suggestion or see an error in our data? Send us a tweet@DefiWars_
This is an un-audited analysis of the Jones DAO ecosystem
Price data is from our friends at DefiLlama
Not financial advice and DefiWars is not affiliated with Jones DAO or any of the above projects