Shadow Wars

Total xSHADOW supply: 3,006,616.91504
Circulating SHADOW Supply
Hide anonymous addresses
Liquid Wrappers
718,072.77982 xSHADOW (23.88%)
Expected ratio: 1.35183
Market ratio
Peg of Ratio Token = Market Ratio / Expected Ratio
This is the ratio you would get on the market
Ex: if the Expected Ratio is 1.5 you would expect 1500 tokens for your 1000 tokens
if you sold on a dex.
If the Market Ratio is only 1.2, it is off-peg
Peg for 250
Represents how much of SHADOW you would get if you traded your x33 token.
We use odos for the best routing
Peg of Ratio Token = Market Ratio / Expected Ratio
Top Holders
944,275.46820 xSHADOW (31.41%)
718,072.77982 xSHADOW (23.88%)
Expected ratio: 1.35183
Market ratio
Peg of Ratio Token = Market Ratio / Expected Ratio
This is the ratio you would get on the market
Ex: if the Expected Ratio is 1.5 you would expect 1500 tokens for your 1000 tokens
if you sold on a dex.
If the Market Ratio is only 1.2, it is off-peg
Peg for 250
Represents how much of SHADOW you would get if you traded your x33 token.
We use odos for the best routing
Peg of Ratio Token = Market Ratio / Expected Ratio
459,028.42456 xSHADOW (15.27%)
306,018.94971 xSHADOW (10.18%)
153,009.47485 xSHADOW (5.09%)
Have a suggestion or see an error in our data? Send us a tweet@DefiWars_
This is an un-audited analysis of the Shadow ecosystem
Price data is from our friends at DefiLlama
Not financial advice and DefiWars is not affiliated with Shadow or any of the above projects